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الخميس، 2 مايو 2019

Computer Networks Questions & Answers – Network Layer MCQ أسئله شبكات بالأجابات الجزء الثامن

Computer Networks Questions & Answers – Network Layer

1. The network layer concerns with
a) bits
b) frames
c) packets
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: In computer networks, the data from the application layer is sent to the transport layer and is converted to segments. These segments are then transferred to the network layer and these are called packets. These packets are then sent to data link layer where they are encapsulated into frames. These frames are then transferred to physical layer where the frames are converted to bits.

2. Which one of the following is not a function of network layer?
a) routing
b) inter-networking
c) congestion control
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: In the OSI model, network layer is the third layer and it provides data routing paths for network communications.

3. The 4 byte IP address consists of
a) network address
b) host address
c) both network address & host address
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: An ip address which is 32 bits long, that means it is of 4 bytes and is composed of a network and host portion and it depends on address class.

4. In virtual circuit network each packet contains
a) full source and destination address
b) a short VC number
c) only source address
d) only destination address
Answer: b
Explanation: A short VC number also called as VCID (virtual circuit identifier) is a type of identifier which is used to distinguish between several virtual circuits in a connection oriented circuit switched network.

5. Which one of the following routing algorithm can be used for network layer design?
a) shortest path algorithm
b) distance vector routing
c) link state routing
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: The routing algorithm is what decides where a packet should go next. There are several routing techniques like shortest path algorithm, static and dynamic routing, decentralized routing, distance vector routing, link state routing, Hierarchical routing etc.

6. Multidestination routing
a) is same as broadcast routing
b) contains the list of all destinations
c) data is not sent by packets
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: None.

7. A subset of a network that includes all the routers but contains no loops is called
a) spanning tree
b) spider structure
c) spider tree
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Spanning tree protocol (STP) is a network protocol that creates a loop free logical topology for ethernet networks. It is a layer 2 protocol that runs on bridges and switches. The main purpose of STP is to ensure that you do not create loops when you have redundant paths in your network.

8. Which one of the following algorithm is not used for congestion control?
a) traffic aware routing
b) admission control
c) load shedding
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: None.

9. The network layer protocol of internet is
a) ethernet
b) internet protocol
c) hypertext transfer protocol
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: There are several protocols used in Network layer. Some of them are IP, ICMP, CLNP, ARP, IPX, HRSP etc. Hypertext transfer protocol is for application layer and ethernet protocol is for data link layer.

10. ICMP is primarily used for
a) error and diagnostic functions
b) addressing
c) forwarding
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: ICMP abbreviation for Internet Control Message Protocol is used by networking devices to send error messages and operational information indicating a host or router cannot be reached.

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